Ridge Gourd Soup

Ridge Gourd Soup
Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 15 Mins Total Time: 25 Mins

Ridge gourd soup is very healthy and tasty. Ridge gourd soup is one of the best soups for weight loss. This vegetable is not harmful for anyone. Ridge gourd soup has a creamy texture. This soup is protein and fiber rich. It is one of the very low calorie vegetables.

When you are using the ridge gourd must be a tender one. You must peel out the harder skin, chop into small pieces. Small pieces help to cook easily. From the harder skin of ridge gourd you can have several dishes too. I only uploaded the video of dry chutney powder from it, I will link to that video too. Ridge gourd is a very healthy vegetable. It contains lots of water in it.

The onion and tomato added because of flavour. Garlic and ginger also give a good aroma to the soup. You can skip the addition of onions and tomatoes. It is completely your choice. Black pepper and salt are mildly seasoned to the soup. This soup doesn’t require any additional spicy, flavour and cream.

If you feel spicier you can green chilly. For this soup you can add curd or yogurt for a more creamy texture than ridge gourd soup. Add you can mix any veggies to this soup.

After preparing a soup, serve in a bowl when it is super hot. The hot soup tastes good. It is well-suited with papad, flatbread. You can have this soup either for breakfast or dinner. Or you can make this soup for starters with a main course.

Try this weight loss soup in your home and share the comment with me. Guys, I’m thanking each person for coming here and reading and watching my recipes. Stay connected to next recipes.

Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd:

  • Helps in reducing inflammation.
  • Helps control diabetes.
  • ​Enhances vision.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Ideal for weight loss.
  • Remedies Anemia.
  • Protects Liver Function.
  • Revitalises Skin Texture.

TrendyAngel Kitchen | Vegetarian Food | Healthy, Traditional, Modern, Regional & More.

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0/9 Ingredients
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0/8 Instructions
  • Take a ridge gourd, wash it, peel it and chop into small pieces.
  • Take a cooker and add oil, cumin, garlic, onion and sauté well.
  • Add ginger. Small pieces, tomato sauté well. Add chopped ridge gourd and enough water. Make a 3 whistle.
  • Allow to cool down and strain the veggies. Take a blender, transfer strained veggies and blend to a smooth texture.
  • Take a pan, add ground paste of ridge gourd, add little water and allow to boil.
  • When it starts to boil add salt to taste, black pepper powder. Mix well and boil it.
  • Finally add chopped fresh coriander leaves and stir it.
  • Serve in a bowl and enjoy the soup when it is hot.


  • Vegetables can be cooked separately in a saucepan instead of a cooker.
  • Add any other vegetable too.

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