Uppu Huli Dosa

Uppu Huli Dosa
Yields: 4 Servings Difficulty: Medium Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 5 Mins Total Time: 15 Mins

Uppu Huli Dosa is a very healthy and tasty dosa. This recipe is easy to prepare and very famous in the South. This dosa is very colourful and good for our health. Uppu huli khara dosa is instant, when we prepare the batter, then crepe the batter. No need for any fermentation for this dosa batter.


In our local language we are calling this dosa as uppu huli khara dosa. Uppu means Salt, huli means Sour, khara means Spicy. For every dosa we are adding salt but why this dosa is called liked this i don’t know but i loved the taste of dosa. We can call other names too for this dosa is khara dosa, masala neer dosa.

I am basically from Mangalorean so i do not need any kind of second thought about this recipe. In my mother’s home they are usually doing this. At my husband’s home they are not familiar with this recipe so my husband is also quite interested in this dosa for the first time. Now, he is familiar and he likes it so much.

This dosa recipe has very simple and simple ingredients. Firstly we need to soak the rice then grind it along with red chill, tamarind and salt. We need to grind until we get a smooth texture. Then add the water for consistency and splash the batter immediately.

I prefer iron casting tawa for dosa because it tastes better than a non-stick tawa. Before using the tawa, spread oil or ghee nicely. It will help to take out the dosa from the tawa. This dosa speciality is not pouring the batter into the middle and spreading. For this recipe tawa must be fully heated and full on flame. We splash the dosa batter from the starting and end with another side by scraping. Batter is like a normal water consistency so easily we can splash the batter into hot tawa. While scraping also easily comes out because we spread the oil or ghee. Dosa will cook a minute and doesn’t take too much time to cook.

Uppu Huli Dosa is very tasty and served with normal chatni, sambar or jams. It goes well with any side dish. Otherwise you can have it like that without any side dish. I love both ways with side dishes and without any side dishes.

Try this tasty and healthy dosa in your home and comment below. I hope you liked this unique dosa recipe. Thank you guys for coming here and trying my recipes. Stay in touch for the next interesting recipes. Love you all.

 TrendyAngel Kitchen | Vegetarian Food | Healthy, Traditional, Modern, Regional & More.

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#UppuHuliDosa #MasalaNeerDosa #KharaDosa


0/4 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/5 Instructions
  • In a vessel add dosa cups, wash it thrice and soak it for 4 hours or overnight.
  • Take a mixer jar and add soaked dosa rice, red chilli, tamarind extract, salt to taste and some water.
  • Grind until it gets a smooth texture. Pour the prepared batter to the vessel and add some water to it. Batter should be very thin like normal neer dosa batter.
  • Heat the iron tawa and apply some oil. Pour the dosa batter to the heat tawa and close the lid for a minute and cook it.
  • Open the lid, take the dosa from tawa to a plate. Tasty and simple Uppu Huli Dosa is ready. Serve with chutney or jam or have it like that.

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